Early Morning Thoughts

I woke before the sun came up this morning. This has become my routine since adopting a Pomeranian puppy in June. Let me back up; it’s her routine to wake before the sun is up; she has merely changed my routine. And, for the the best, I might add.

While she’s frolicking in the garden, chasing little insects that dwell in the grass and beneath rocks, I take in the changing hues of the sky. Pinpoint stars twinkle like diamonds high above the earth’s canopy, the moon shines like polished pearl, a bright beacon in the wide, lonely expanse of darkness.

Far off flutter of red-tailed hawks’ wings ominously resurrect ancient fear of dangers that lurk in darkened shadows. My puppy perks her ears up, pauses, looks around, and listens with me. Together, we stand in the darkness and turn our eyes upward to the sound of the fluttering hawks’ wings, the gentle buzzing of bees, and the rustling of squirrels scampering from their hiding places in the grove of oak trees.

As if to ease our fears, God lifts the shadows of darkness and slowly fills the horizon with light. A slow shimmer of light spreads across the dark horizon, lightens to a pale gray, then pale pink, then soft blue and cottony white.


From the fear of darkness to the calming comfort of light.

Yellow roses in my garden come into view; sunlight shimmers along the golden petals. My puppy finds a stick, plops down and chews on it. I lift my eyes toward the gathering blueness of the morning sky and give thanks to God who always brings light, just as He has always promised He would do.

Words from scripture come back to me telling me not to be fearful, to not be afraid, that God is always with me, that Jesus is the light of the world, that joy comes in the morning.

Indeed, joy comes in the morning. Jesus is the light of the world. I am not afraid; I am not fearful because God is always with me. When my strength fails me; God will not fail me. He will protect me and be with me through out any darkness that I struggle to get through.

This morning, I watch the darkness change into the light.

No matter what goes on beneath the canopy of this earth’s sky, God is with us and we can rest in the truth that there will always be light after the darkness.

Jesus is the light of the world. Don’t be afraid. Don’t be afraid of the darkness. Don’t be fearful of what lurks in the shadows. Just call on Jesus to heal you, to protect you, to lead you from the darkness into the light.

Spend time in the early morning hours and watch the light gently gathering in the receding darkness and ponder God’s limitless love/

Jenny W. Andrews copyright 2023

Photography: Jenny W. Andrews copyright 2023

Procrastination: A Quote

On the great clock of Time there is only one word: Now.“- Unknown

It’s early Saturday morning; this past week has been a very emotionally difficult one. I won’t go into the details here. I give my worries over to God and trust that He will protect me and provide me with the strength I need to face tomorrow.

Speaking of tomorrow, I was just flipping through the calendar book I keep on my desk and I saw this quote that I am referring to. It touched me, and so I wanted to share it with you.

People often say that tomorrow is not promised to any of us. Yet, we go about our days planning as if we will live forever. We schedule events weeks, sometimes years in advance. And then we procrastinate about pursuing and following up with those plans. We erroneously believe that we can do it all tomorrow.

Truth is there is no tomorrow. There is just now.

So, if you plan to give your loved one a phone call, stop reading this, and call that loved one.

So, if you plan to apologize for a wrong you have done to someone, stop reading this, and go and make that phone call. Don’t text it; texting is just another way to erect barriers between you and another person. Hearing a voice allows you to connect with emotions in a way that text cannot.

So, if there is a novel you want to write, or a painting you want to draw, stop reading this and go and do it.

Do it all now.

You will never have this moment in time again.

Tell the people you love that you love them.

Forgive those who have hurt you.

Ask forgiveness from those you have harmed.

People we love have a way of leaving us whether by death or other ways, so do not take them for granted.

In this life, there are no second days.

You only have now.

Please, please don’t waste a moment.

I will be saying a final goodbye to someone so very, very precious to me. I ache from the looming loss and I have cried almost nonstop since Monday. I have begged God to surround me with angels to get me through this. Honestly, I just don’t know how I will react to the final goodbye.

Please offer your prayers up to heaven for me and my family.

Now, go and tell the people in your life just how much you love them.

There is no tomorrow.

There is only now.

The clock is ticking.

Jenny W. Andrews copyright 2023

Encouragement: A Quote

While browsing the internet, I came across this really inspirational quote. I would like to share it with you.

“Courage doesn’t always roar. Sometimes courage is the quiet voice at the end of the day saying “I will try again tomorrow.”- Mary Anne Radmacher.

In this hectic and sometimes hostile world it is easy to feel discouraged and succumb to negativity.

But, peace can be found in the silence. Just a few moments without a cell phone and without a computer screen can reduce stress. Being in the silence can do wonders for our souls. In the silence, we can listen to that “quiet voice at the end of the day” that Radmacher is speaking about.

Life, of course, is not easy. Nobody has an easy life. There is always something that could potentially upset our lives. The most effective strategy is to not give into the negativity. Another effective strategy is to have faith that tomorrow is another opportunity to reach your goals. Keep in mind that you are in control of your decisions in life. Choose to look forward to the promise of tomorrow. No matter what is troubling you, remember that with faith and courage you can succeed.

Just never give up.

If you give up, you will never know what might have happened if you had continued working towards your goals.

So, “I will try again tomorrow.” I will have courage no matter how discouraging this world can be. I, after all, am in charge of my decisions.

In order to reach my goals, I must try again tomorrow.

I encourage you, as well, to listen to that quiet voice that tells you to try again tomorrow.

After all, there is always a tomorrow.

Jenny W. Andrews copyright 2023

Rose in a Garden: Peace

On this cool autumn Sunday afternoon I walked in the garden and enjoyed the tranquil beauty of roses. This particular rose caught my attention with its soft pink shade. Such peacefulness can be found in a garden. Just walking around and enjoying beautiful colors, the singing of birds high in the oak branches, and the coolness of autumn breezes can surely lift your mood.

So, as we approach the holiday season, take the time to just walk in a garden and not give in to the stresses that often come with the unrealistic expectations of this upcoming holiday season.

God has truly blessed us with an astonishingly beautiful world; keep that in perspective in these coming weeks.

Simplicity is best; do not overburden yourself with unrealistic expectations (from yourself or from others).

We only have one chance at this beautiful life, so make the best of each moment.

Take a walk in a garden.

Enjoy the roses, the birdsong, the cool breezes that sweep across the earth.

Keep this life in perspective. There is indeed light at the end of each dark tunnel.

God is in control. God loves each and every one of us.

You are not alone.

If in this holiday season you start to feel too stressed and alone, please reach out to someone.

2023 is just around the corner; it is a new year to dream again and to set goals and to grow closer to God.

For now, take a walk in a garden and contemplate God’s love. Stand in the silence and just know that there is a tomorrow and you are loved.

Jenny W. Andrews copyright 2022

Fears, Hopes, and Dreams. . .

“Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but think about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.”- Pope John XXXIII (Brainyquote.com)

I keep this quote near me whenever I get discouraged. We all get discouraged; discouragement is just apart of this journey here on earth. But, we don’t have to live from a place of discouragement; we can choose to think about our potential and we can choose to take positive steps to fulfill our potential. The most discouraging strategy is negative self-talk in which we tell ourselves that there is not a reason to even try, and, of course, another discouraging strategy is to listen to negative comments from other people. “The sky is falling down; the world is a dangerous place. Nobody can ever get ahead. . .Blah! Blah! Blah! And, blah!”

In this coming week, make a point to dedicate at least an hour to something you love to do, be it writing, painting, sports activities, reading. . .Do something that inspires you, and don’t look over your shoulder and wonder what anyone else might think.

In my heart, I sincerely believe God designs each of us for a purpose. Pray that God will help you discern that purpose. Plan a strategy with God’s help to fulfill that purpose.

And if you are in a dark place in your soul where sadness and depression has completely obscured the beauty, joy, and light of this life, please seek professional help from a qualified mental health provider.

You belong in this life; God has a purpose for you. Pray and seek out that purpose.

Jenny W. Andrews copyright 2022

Here are some links if you need help:


Suicide Prevention – NIMH

https://www.nimh.nih.gov › health

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

My Favorite Quote: Hope and Potential

Consult not your fears but your hopes and dreams. Think not about your frustrations, but about your unfulfilled potential. Concern yourself not with what you tried and failed in, but with what it is still possible for you to do.

Words from Pope John XXIII

These are the words that I encourage you to remember in your heart as you go about your day. Life can be frustrating; but, there is so much potential in each of us.

Remember the words of Pope John XXIII.

Jenny W. Andrews copyright 2021

Original Art:Woman with Blue Hat

WIN_20190415_20_56_26_Pro (2)

This is a drawing I did a few years ago. I like to use a lot of color.

In our current climate of worry, stress, and anxiety, I would like to encourage everyone to switch off your devices, tune out the constant media bombardment of horrible news.

We can’t stick our heads in the sand, of course. But, for your mental health, please, please take a break from the news. Switch it off for a day or two days. Or maybe don’t turn it on for a week. Or longer.

Pick up some color pencils and a sketch pad and go to it. Be creative and colorful. Have fun.

Pick up a notebook and a dictionary. Choose as many rhyming words as possible and write ridiculously funny sentences. Write limericks, ballads, rap songs. Write the worst possible country song you can come up with.


The  Book of Ecclesiastes reminds us that there is a time, a season for everything. There will always be sorrow; but, there will also be a time of joy and peace.

These dark days we are experiencing now will not last forever.

Jeremiah 29:11 reminds us of God’s promises.

For I know the plans I have for you,” Declares the Lord.”Plans to prosper you and not harm you; plans to give you hope and a future.”


With God, hope is eternal.

As we approach the Easter season, trust in God’s promises. Light is at the end of this dark tunnel that we are experiencing right now.

Romans 8:38-39 reminds us of God’s love through Jesus Christ our Lord.

“For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

Revelation 21:4 reminds us that God shall wipe away all our tears.

“And God shall wipe away all the tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any pain, for the former things are passed away.”

Life will always have sorrow, death and pain. That is just a fact.

Life will always have beauty, joy, and wonder. That is just a fact.

It is my prayer that we all stay safe in these challenging times.

Take a break from the constant media coverage for your mental health. Spend quiet time with God, unburden your soul before Him. Trust that He will always be there to wipe your tears away. Trust that He has plans for you to prosper.

Trust completely in God and in His promises.

And draw a picture, write a song.

And share it!

Jenny W. Andrews copyright 2020



Memoir:What My Heart Remembers

girl playing baseball
Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Excerpt from the rough draft of my memoir. Please read and drop me a note to let me know what you think. Thanks:

Words matter. Teachers matter. The words that teachers say matter. Her nine words managed to quietly sustain me during the later, darker years after I left the comfort of her third grade classroom. 

“Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do,” Mrs. Nancy Bazemore clutched my trembling eight-year old shoulders, leaned down beside me and into my ears she whispered those amazing words. I had told her that I had asthma and my parents had said that I couldn’t run.

My class was playing a game of baseball and it was my turn to bat and I was afraid to run around the field.

“Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do. Now run!” She had told me.

I can still feel the sticky sting of tears course down my cheeks; I can still feel the exhilaration of running around that ball field in spite of parents’ warnings. I can still see Mrs. Nancy Bazemore, her brown 1960’s era flip curls, her pretty hands shoving me forward. Into that Georgia afternoon, on that playground, I had defied those words of caution that had debilitated me.

I am sure my parents only had my best interest in mind, but the truth was that it was my sister who had had the asthma and I was therefore assumed to have it, too.

That day, I somehow managed to survive my run around the bases. I didn’t die of an asthma attack as I had feared. In fact, all through my childhood I had been warned by my parents that I couldn’t participate in physical education class because I might have an asthma attack.


Well, Mrs. Nancy Bazemore took a chance and I did, too.

“Don’t let anyone tell you what you can’t do.” She spoke those few words, seemingly insignificant to her probably, but to a little eight year old girl for whom encouragement was something rarely received, her words made an enormous impact.

Decades later, my heart remembers.

Thank you, Mrs. Bazemore. I am eternally grateful.


Copyright 2020, Jenny W. Andrews