Simply a Pink Rose

In my garden the flowers are being scorched by the late June sun. We are in a drought season meteorologists are saying. That is no lie. With the exception of some tropical flowers, the rest of my garden is wilting under the weight of the sun’s heat.

But. . .

There is always that flower that survives the scorching heat. It rallies despite the stress of the sun.

My roses are rallying although some of them quickly lose their petals.

Then there are my zinnias who bend, but, alas never truly break. They just keep adding stems and buds.

My sunflower has bent toward the sandy soil and has lost its lemony petals.

But. . .

Each flower is managing to fight to survive despite the challenges each faces.

My deep ruby-red calla lilies are staying strong with their beautiful curvy emerald green petals.

What’s amazing about these roses, calla lilies and zinnias is that each had faded last fall,

Now they are making a comeback.

So, beneath the cold earth of winter and the scorching sun of summer they have rallied.

They have rallied because that is what nature does.

God has set his own clock for the rhythm of this life.

I choose to be like a flower.

I choose to be resilient and to rally in spite of the elements that threaten to destroy me.

There will always be a hot sun bearing down on me (on all of us).

There will always be the cold grip of sadness and despair that will chill us to the bone.

But, like the rose and like all of nature, we can all rally and survive and make a come back despite the setbacks.

God is in control. He reminds us in scripture how he cares for us. He is the Creator and everything in this life has its own rhythm.

There will be sunny days; they will be stormy days.

There will be weeds in my garden; then they will be an abundance of pink roses, ruby-red calla lilies, and pink zinnias.

There is always hope.

Despite the weeds.

Jenny W. Andrews copyright 2024

Photography original work of the author.

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I am a published poet and short story writer. I have been published in SNHU's the penmen review. is the link where you can find my poetry and a short story. Previously, I self-published my novel "Bully Another Day," "Short Stories and Vignettes", and a poetry book "Spaces between the Pause" on Amazon/Kindle. Due to abysmal interest in my self-publishing venture, I have unpublished those three projects, as well as my poetry book "Life at the End of the Rainbow." However, I plan to be more aggressive in trying to find a traditional publisher for these projects.

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